E-Learning for Singapore Math since 2001

Primary Math

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Math Online Tutoring

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ACE-Learning for Parents and their Children

Explore to Learn

Students need to be engaged with what they are doing to improve learning outcomes. Armoured with knowledge, a student becomes a more confident person.

The learning resources in ACE-Learning are designed to cater to a diverse range of learners. Each child is given room to learn at his/her own pace. The fully animated lessons give students the opportunity to revisit any topic a Mathematics teacher has taught. With the employ of visuals like the Math VR, hands-on-activities like the interactive laboratories, students are able to grasp Mathematics concepts and learn the lessons well.

Practice to Master

Assessment is an integral part of Learning. Our system provides a good pool of assessment which is student-centred, adaptive, flexible, varied and reflects a student’s achievement against a set of criteria.

The assessment modules are powered by the Math Editor and Math Artificial Intelligence Auto-grading engine. It allows students to input open-ended answers in a very user-friendly way and the AI engine is able to auto-grade the answers. Immediate feedback with in-built explanation (using Model Method or Thinking Blocks, Polya's Method, etc) for each question is provided. Our unique feature, Step-by-step Auto-grading Engine, is able to check each working step and provide instant feedback.

Gamification is used to motivate students to practice and master Math skills whilst having fun.

Monitor to Excel

Parents are able to monitor their children’s learning progress and get first-hand information of the pending and completed assignments for their children via the interactive dashboard.

Graphical real-time reports help to identify the strengths and weaknesses. All activities are logged; such as login, viewing of lessons and attempts of questions. Parents can instantly see the areas where their child may need additional help.

ACE-Learning for Teachers and Students

Our learning management system promotes Self-Directed Learning (SDL), Collaborative Learning (COL), Teach Less Learn More (TLLM) and Flipped Classroom Approach.

The system gives teachers quick access to a wide range of teaching resources to make teaching more engaging, fun and motivating for students. Teachers are also able to assign homework that can be auto-graded, keep tabs of each student’s learning progress and design learning experiences that promote critical thinking and teamwork among their students.

Contact us to view our demo to see how the system works for your school.